BBA V Sales and Marketing unit 5
Right salesmen can help company achieve marketing objectives. Recruitment and selection are two important decisions in sales force management that concern with ensuring the right type (right qualities, right qualifications, and right experience) of sales personnel.
While recruiting and selecting salespersons, job analysis (consisting of job description and job specification) is to be made for better selection. Recruitment and selection are interdependent decisions.
Recruitment means searching for prospective candidates and inspiring them to apply for the post. Recruitment ends on the last day/date of receiving applications. Salesmen can be recruited through a number of sources.
Sources of Recruiting Sales Force:
Main sources, widely practiced in India, includes:
1. Advertisement
2. Other firms
3. Middlemen
4. Personal recommendations
5. Recommendation of existing staff
6. Special recruitment agencies
7. Private training institutes
8. Colleges and academic institutes, etc.
Types of sources to be used for recruiting the salesmen depend on certain criteria, like type of products to be sold, types of customers to be served, paying capacity of company and type of remuneration plans, and other relevant factors.