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Shared publicly - Apr 23 2020 1:30PM
DNA probes and PCR
B.Sc sem 6 Medical micro paper
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Pulse field gel electrophoresis
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Short questions
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Hantavirus infection
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Assignment for M.Sc sem 4
Assignment for M.Sc sem 2
Assignment topis
DNA probes and PCR
Technique of PCR
PCR notes 1
Compliment fixation tests
Agglutination based tests
MCQ Questions in microbiology
Pathogenesis of chivkengunia
Basics of genetic engineering
Chicken pox diseaee
Smallpox disease
Ebola virus
Transposon in prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Bird flu
Polio disease
Proto oncogenes
Cancer and Oncogenes
Review of transposon
Regulation of conjugation
Use of viral vectors in cloning
Viral vectors and gene transfer and gene therspy
Gene therapy
Transposon notes
Transposon elements
Self transmissible plasmids
Antiviral compounds
Basis of fertility in bacteria and F plasmid
Introduction of conjugation and its mechanism
Interrupted mating technique
Mechanism of conjugation
Gene transfer and mapping by conjugation
viral vaccines
Viral vaccination or vaccines for viruses
Viral vaccination
Discovery of conjugation.
Ti Plasmid transfer system and transposons
Normal microflora of the human body
Phage display
Production of interferons
Action of interferons
How interferons work
Interferons....for B.Sc micro
Interferons....for B.Sc micro sem 2 students
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