Describe in detail the process of Communication M.A RD Sem 2
Process of Communication-The communication process involves the sender who transmits a message through a selected channel to the receiver.
The Channel- Informationis transmitted over a channel that links the sender with the receiver. The channel may be a computer, a telephone, a television, or face-to –face conversation. At times, two or more channels are used. The proper selection of channel is vital for effective communication.
Not only must information or instructions or ideas be passed from one party to another, but the ‘receiving’ party must also understand exactly what the sending or transmitting party had in mind. If one party does not clearly understand the meaning of a message- or misunderstands or misinterprets its meaning – errors and mistakes, disagreements and disputes, and even accidents, can occur.

Figure below depicts this concept.
Communication process model
Context- Context is the environment in which communication takes place and includes the organization, culture, and community. Additionally, external stimuli, such as meetings, casual conversations, emails, memos, etc. and internal stimuli such as opinions and emotions, influence the context. Only when one considers all the aspects of context can one communicate effectively.
Sender/Encoder- The sender uses a combination of words, symbols, graphs and pictures to communicate. The speaker is the encoder in oral communication, and the writer is the encoder in written communication.
Message- The information exchanged between the sender and receiver creates a message, either intentional or unintentional. The sender of the message must consider the context in order for the message to be understandable. Additionally, the message must contain clear language, with any necessary definitions, examples, or graphics to insure comprehension.
Channel- The medium- the channel through which the message is sent- may be electronic, sound, or print. The choice of a medium is influenced by:
The relationship between the sender and the receiver
The nature of the message.
Use an oral medium when your message is urgent, personal or when immediate feedback is
desired. Use a written medium when is technical, formal, or needs to be documented.
5.Receiver/Decoder- The listener or reader of communication interprets the message. The receiver is influenced by context, as well as external and internal stimuli. If the receiver has biased opinions, or misconceptions, the message may not be received correctly. Attitude and personality also influence the receiver.
6.Feedback- Feedback is the response of the receiver- their reaction to the communication. Silence can be a form of feedback, or the receiver may respond orally or in writing. Feedback is used to confirm the message was understood and that any required action was taken.
All the components must work together effectively for the communication process to be complete and convey the intended message.