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Shared publicly - Feb 4 2022 11:57AM
Principles of development, unit-1
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Principles of development, unit-1
वृद्धि एवं विकास के सिध्दांत, unit-1
Difference between growth and development, unit-1
वृद्धि एवं विकास मे अंतर, unit-1
Semester -4, computer in teaching learning (english), EPC-3, unit-4
Semester -4, computer in teaching learning (c), unit -4
Semester -4, computer in teaching learning (b)
Semester-4, Computer in teaching learning (Hindi), unit-4
Semester-4, Language Lab (EPC-3)
Semester-4,EPC:4, Relationship with Family and society ,(c), unit-1
Semester-4,EPC:4, Relationship with Family and society(b)
Semester-4,EPC:4, Relationship with Family and society ,(a), unit-1
Semester-4, unit-1, stereotypes and prejudices (2) (EPC-4)
Semester-4, unit-1, stereotypes and prejudices (EPC-4)
Semester-1 unit-4, Distribution of intelligence
Semester-1 unit-4, बुद्धि का विभाजन(हिंदी)
Semester-1 unit-4, बुद्धि के त्रिआयाम सिद्धांत (हिंदी मे)
Semester-1 unit-4, Guilford's Three Dimensional Theory ,(in English)
Semester-1, unit-4, बहुकारक सिद्धांत , Multi factor theory ,(in both language)
Semester-1, unit-4, Group factor theory (in English)
Semester-1 unit-4, Group factor theory (Hindi)
Semester-1, unit-4, Theories of Intelligence,Two factor theory(in English)
Semester-1, unit-4, Theories of Intelligence,Two factor theory(in Hindi)
Semester-1, unit-4, Emotional intelligence (in English)
Semester-1, unit-4, Emotional intelligence (in Hindi)
Semester-1, unit-4, Intelligence (English)
Semester-1, unit-4, Intelligence (Hindi)
Semester-1, Importance of heredity and environment for education of children as well as for teachers (in English)
Semester-1, Importance of heredity and environment for education of children as well as for teachers (in Hindi)
Semester-1, Meaning of Heredity and Environmnt (in english)
Semester-1, Meaning of Heredity and Environment
Assignment for Semester -4 on ( EPC -3 ) ,(compulsory)
Assignment for Semester -1(compulsory)
Semester-1, principles of growth and development (in english)
Semester -1, Principles of Development
Semester 4,EPC_3, Interactive broadcasting (hindi) session 2019-21
Semester 4,EPC_3, Interactive broadcasting (English) session 2019-21
EPC-4,who am I?, semester 4, session 2019_21
Semester 4,EPC-4,Belief (2)
EPC-4, unit-1,Belief(1), session 2019-21
EPC-4, sem-4, Role of a teacher (in Hindi), session 2019-21
EPC-4, Semester-4, Who is teacher? Role of a teacher, session -2019-21,in Hindi
EPC-4, semester-4, understanding the self, session 2019-21
EPC-4, Semester-4, Who is teacher? Role of a teacher , session-2019-21
Communication satellite, semester-4 session 2019-2021 in Hindi
Communication satellite, semester-4 session 2019-2021
ICT, semester-4, Session-2019-2021
Difference between growth and development, semester-1, session-2020-22,in Hindi
Difference between growth and development, semester-1, session-2020-22,in English
Difference between growth and development, semester-1, session-2020-22
Teleconferencing 2, semester 4, session 2019-2021
E PC 3, semester-4, session:2019-2021(ICT)
E PC 3, semester-4, session:2019-2021 ICT
E PC 3, semester-4, session:2019-2021
Semester-4, Assignment ,EPC--4
Semester-4,EPC:4, Relationship with Family and society ,(c)
Semester-4,EPC:4, Relationship with Family and society ,(b)
Semester-4,EPC:4, Relationship with Family and society
Beliefs: Stereotypes and prejudices, semester-4,EPC-4
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, computer in teaching learning (b) in English
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, computer in teaching learning (c)
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, computer in teaching learning (b)
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, computer in teaching learning, unit-4
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, language lab
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, Interactive broadcasting in Hindi
Semester- 4 , EPC-3, Interactive broadcasting in English
Semester- 4 , EPC-4 , Who Am I ?
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Examination )
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Evaluation )
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (sample Questions)
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (sample survey)
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Environment pollution:A Geographical Problem )
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Excursion-their importance and equipment-2 )
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Excursion-their importance and equipment)
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Geography museum)
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Geography room)
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Teaching aids-3)
Semester-2, Geography pedagogy (Teaching aids-2)
Semester-2, Child centred education: Dewey (2),in English
Sem-4, Epc-4, Beliefs (2 ), unit-1
Semester-4, EPC-4,unit-1, Beliefs (1)
Child centred education: with reference to philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi (in English), Semester-2
Activity with reference to philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi, Semester-2,(in Hindi)
Rabindranath Tagore, Semester-2 (in English)
Child centred education: Activity with reference to philosophy of Rabindranath Tagore, Semester -2
Assignment, Semester -4 ( EPC - 4 )
EPC-4, sem-4, Role of a teacher (in Hindi)
Semester-4(EPC-4),Who a teacher is ? (in Hindi)
EPC-4, semester-4, understanding the self
EPC-4, Semester-4, Who a is teacher? Role of a teacher
Assignment of Geography pedagogy, semester -2
Models,Atlas (Geography pedagogy), Semester-2
Geography,( pedagogy) , Semester-2
Assignment for semester-2 (compulsory)
Dewey (in English), Semester -2
Child centred education : activity with reference to jhon Dewey, sem-2
Activity, Discovery with reference to philosophy of Plato,sem-2
Distinction between Reason and Belief in Hindi,sem-2
Sem-2, Significance of Discovery learning
Sem 2, Child centred education
Communication satellite in Hindi
Communication satellite in English (1)
Sample Question , Semester 2
Semester 4 , Assignment
8 a,for semester 2
Semester 4
ICT, Semester 4
I CT ,EPC 3,Sem 4
Teleconferencing ,sem 4
Types of rating scale sem 2
Assessment of learning ,sem 2
Assessment of learning
Rating Scale
Tool of Testing- Rating Scale
Tool of Testing Unit-2
Dfference between belief and reason Sem-2
Difference between belief and reason sem-2
EPC 3: Critical understanding of ICT
Knowledge And Curriculum Semester-2
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