01 April 2025 04:35:17
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“Temporal changes in Bhyari Landslide and its Effects on Environment (Garhwal Himalaya)” International Journal of Current Research, Vol VII, (issue 7), 2015.
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Soil based cottage industries in the district of Purulia, West Bengal with special reference to its general problems. Konkan Geographers vol. no-26, June / July, 2021, Pp. 38-52.
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Hypsometry and erosion in a sub-watershed of lower Alaknanda basin: A case study of lesser Garhwal Himalaya. International Journal of Applied Research, Vol III (VIII). Pp 317-323.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: Sandhya Prakashani, Kolkata.
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“Impact of Floods on the Green Energy Sector in Himalayas A Case Study of Gagas Watershed, Uttarakhand India” in Shruti Kanga., Gowhar Meraj., Majid Farooq., Suraj Kumar Singh., Mahendra Singh Nathawat (Editors) Disaster Management in the Complex Himalayan Terrains (Natural Hazard Management, Methodologies and Policy Implications), Springer. Pp 109-132.
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