01 April 2025 03:18:03
Analysis of trends and causes for variations of fluvial dynamics and sedimentation behavior in SaptKosi river basin of Bihar plain (India) and mountainous region of Eastern Nepal.The Konkan Geographer Interdisciplinary National level Journal, Volume No. 19 June/July 2018.
Analysis of Landforms Developments in the Chaibasa Plain of Jharkhand, (India). On the Journal of The Konkan Geographers, Published by Konkan Geographers Association of India, Vol. No. 16, July 2017.
Sustainable Rural Development in the South – Eastern Fringe area of Purulia District.On the Journal of Geographical Outlook, Published by Ranchi University Geographical Council, Vol. XXIV, 2016.
Drainage Characteristics of Totko-Jamuna River Basin in the South Eastern Fringe Area of Chotanagpur with Special References to Drainage Texture and Hydrographic Network. On the Journal of Geographical Outlook, Published by Ranchi University Geographical Council, Vol. XXIII.
Tourism Efficiency in Khunti District of Jharkhand. On the Journal of Bengal Geographer, Published by Dasson Research Foundation, Vol. V, No.1, January 2016.
Analysis of Landforms Developments in the Chaibasa Plain of Jharkhand, (India). On The Konkan Geographers, Interdisciplinary National Level Research Journal, Published by Konkan Geographers Association of India, Sindhudurg- Maharashtra, Vol.-14, Jan.-Feb. 2016.
Morphometric Analysis of Totko-Jamuna Basin In the South Eastern Fringe Area of Chotanagpur Basin, India on International Journal of Lakes and Rivers, Research India Publications, India. Number-1, January-June2015.
Fluvial Characteristics of the Rivers of the Purulia District, West Bengal on the Universal Multidisciplinary Research Journal (online), Vol. I, Issue-IV, July- 2015.
Geomorphic Regions of the Chaibasa Plain of Jharkhand, (India) on the Universal Multidisciplinary Research Journal (online), Vol. I, Issue-III, June-2015.
Totko-Jamuna Basin: Geological Base and Evolution of Landforms. On the Journal of Bengal Geographer, Published by Dasson Research Foundation, Vol. IV, No. I, January 2015.
Geomorphology of the Totko – Jamuna Basin. On International Research Journal of Management Sociology and Humanities, Vol.-5. Issue-9, September 2014.
Mineral Resources and Development of Purulia District of West Bengal- A Case study. On Indian Journal of Landscape System and Ecological Studies, (ILEE), India, Vol. 36, No.-2, December 2013.
Geomorphology and Status of the Women’s in Bagmundi Upland in Ajodhya Hill of Purulia District of West Bengal, on Journal for Social Development, Published by Institute for Social Development and Research, Vol.-5, No.-1, (Jan. – Mar.), 2013.
Geomorphology of the Kumari Basin. On Practicing Geographers, Published by Indian Geographical Foundation, Kolkata, Vol. – 14, No.-1, Summer- 2010.
Chhau Mask Making – An Important Soil Based Cottage Industry in the District of Purulia, West Bengal with special reference to its general problems, Konkan Geographers Vol. No – 25, Nov/ Dec, 2020, Pp. 1-9.
Soil based cottage industries in the district of Purulia, West Bengal with special reference to its general problems. Konkan Geographers vol. no-26, June / July, 2021, Pp. 38-52.
GEOMORPHOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE OF THE TOTKO- JAMUNA BASIN. (In the South-Eastern Fringe area of Chotanagpur Plateau), Rajesh Publications, New Delhi.
(In the South-Eastern Fringe area of Chotanagpur Plateau), Rajesh Publications, New Delhi.
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: In Bengali, Sandhya Prakashani, Kolkata.
Environmental Geography: In Bengali, Sandhya Prakashani, Kolkata.
Cadastral Survey Methodology and Techniques, Rajesh Publications, New Delhi.
Purulia District: “Agricultural Problems and their remedies.” On Contemporary Issues on Environment in India and Adjacent Countries, Sandhya Prakashani, Kolkata.
Irrigation Status and its influences on population in Totko- Jamuna River Basin of Purulia District. On Indian Journal of Landscape System and Ecological Studies, (ILEE), Kolkata.
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